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Substorm AI Solutions

Ready made AI solutions for you

Sometimes we have already built it and you can buy it as-a-Service and integrate it into your own solutions, that is our Substorm AI Solutions.


Customers struggles to find the right product fit and spend an awful a lot of time searching. So, we asked ourselves: There must be a better way to do product recommendations! And yes, there was! We call it the wizard method.

Perfect product recommendations

StormSeek helps you optimize product discovery and increase your average order value. Personalized product recommendations without personalized data.

Say hello to perfect matches every time!

We have seen a clear improvement of the quality of the recommendations. Especially on difficult products like humor and satire, the context approach in the algorithm is making a huge difference.”
Daniel Eriksson CTO


Stop worrying about personal data being exposed where it should not, let Anonymizer automatically anonymize content before it is published.

Security in every step

Secure anonymization and masking of data using the power of large language models without compromising personal and security classed information.

  • Cost Efficient – fully automated anonymization and masking of text and images
  • Compliant – keep sensitive data on prem
Are You ready?

Let’s talk about how we can make your daily business thrive.

Let’s chat about your needs and discover how Substorm can help you reimagine how you can operate in the future. 
Get in touch